Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Naughty Step

All children test boundaries. It is their way of learning right from wrong, what is acceptable and what isn't, and how far they can go. There comes a point in time where a simple "no" just won't work and there has to be some consequences for their actions. It is then that you can introduce time-out and the naughty step.
M has a new little kitten and loves to play with him. However, she isn't always gentle with the little kitten. She has to learn that there is a difference between throwing a doll on the floor and throwing a kitten on the floor. She also has to learn to play very gentle with him because he is small. This is an issue of safety that her parents and I have to be very firm on and that is why we use the naughty step.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sickness is mankind's greatest defect.

Sickness is mankind's greatest defect. -Georg C. Lichtenberg 

I feel that this week couldn't have lasted any longer. I was waiting for the weekend for what felt like a month. Yes, I've caught M's cold, only for me it also turned into a sore throat. With both M and I feeling under the weather it was a great couple of days for TV, books, and lots of snuggles. Needless to say, the crafts I have been itching to try will just have to wait until after the long weekend. Here is the start of a craft that I've been working on. I've lost inspiration for the rest, but I can assure you that it will be amazing once it's all done. Right now, I am just glad it's a long weekend and I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving with my family :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being Sick is No Fun

I woke up this morning (very early) excited to go to do duty day at M's school. A bit of background, every day a different parent or caregiver gets to spend the day with the class to help out the teachers. Today was my day! M had a bit of a cold, but it wasn't that bad and Ms. and I thought she would be fine going to school. We had a great time! M was very happy that I didn't have to go and was able to stay with her the whole time. It was nice to see her interacting with her friends and having a blast with the activities. My favourite part was music time. A special lady came in to teach some music and the children were able to drum on drums and shake bells. I loved hearing them all sing. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nanny's Worst Nighmare

Close your eyes. No wait, open them so you can keep reading. Now, picture this....
You and you're little one are trying to hurry home for lunch. You are in the middle of nowhere and you hear your worst fear. "Wee-wee! Wee-wee!" You're little one has to go to the potty right now and there are no restrooms in sight!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Paper Pumpkins

This weekend I decided to try out a pumpkin craft to do with M. After doing it I realized that this is not a craft for little hands. It involves cutting and hole punching and precise threading. It is, however, a great craft to share with you!
I found the craft on Alpha Mom. She does this craft with children who are a bit older than M and their pumpkins look great!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nannies are People Too!

Recently some friends told my dear hubby and I that we were DINKS (Double Income No Kids). While it's great to be out of school and living the "good life" in a big city, we are dead tired at night. We're both working a lot of hours and have to be intentional about spending time together instead of just collapsing on the couch and staring at the TV every night. I'm sure most of you can understand this. We've been trying really hard to make dinner together and then eat at the dinning room table, but sometimes just ordering a pizza and turning on the news is very enticing.
I recently came across this blog: 

If you are like me and need a little inspiration to help you and your significant other check them out! They have amazing ideas that I know I am going to try.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eating: Take 2

Earlier I had written that M does not like to eat. She loves certain foods like crackers and cheese, but when it comes to anything nutritious you can forget it. We have been trying a lot of new things to get the food down to her little tummy. One of my favourites is making a fruit smoothie. M can help out and even decides what to put in it. We start off with some yogurt. We were using the little child yogurt cups (it was a great amount and I didn't have to guess a measurement), but now we've started to use Greek yogurt for the great texture it adds. Then we add as much fruit as we want. Some favourites are strawberries, blueberries, and peaches. Once in a while M likes to put in kiwi and apple too. Last we add orange juice. We add as much as we think we need to make sure it's not too thick. Then we put in the blender and watch the magic happen. Ta-da! A nutritious drink that is fun to make.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Every Child's Dream

What did you want as a child? I always loved making forts. My sister and I would use our bunk beds and lots of sheets and blankets to make a super sweet fort on our bed. We would use pillows to stuff into the ladder and were small enough to fit through the ladder. This was a perfect door. When we wanted to hide we could just stuff the pillow back in. We also had a fort in the back yard behind the shed. It was our secret clubhouse and my mom even let us paint on the fence. The best forts were the ones that all of my sisters and I made in the snow. If the snow stayed long enough we were able to make whole cities including the shops. We all had our own little snow forts and we would go and visit each other. I can't tell you all the good memories we had in those forts.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Since M's family only has one car and her dad uses it for work we rely on the closeness of things in the big city to get by. We can walk to the park, M's school, the grocery store, the museum, and the library. Ballet is the only thing M does that is too far to walk to. So today I was able to take M on the three different modes of public transportation that the city offers. We started off the trip to ballet on a streetcar. M loves the streetcar and loves watching everyone on the streetcar. It has the added bonus of being high up so there is a great view from the window. When we reached our stop we raced to the bus to take us the rest of the way to ballet class.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Craft Time!

Hello all. So sorry for the delayed posting. The power cord for my laptop broke just as I was about to upload some crafting pictures. Finally the new power cord as arrived and I am back in business.

Here are a couple of crafts that you can do on the fly with household items. These are my favourite kind because they require little to no prep time. M loves making these sorts of crafts too because they are easy and have great results. They also make great gifts for grandparents :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Potty Training

Here we go. I have been debating whether or not to write a post on potty training. It's going to be a long one and involve words like wee-wee and bum. But alas, it is an important part of my day with M and it's been a long journey. So, let's begin.

When I first started working with M in April, she had just turned 2 and her parents had just bought her a potty. They also bought these great books that had potty songs and different stories about Elmo and Ernie on the potty. This was great and M loved singing along to the potty songs. As the weather grew warmer and we were in the wading pool out on the back deck M would be naked and the potty would be close by. We spent a lot of time with M sitting on the potty and I would sit on the ground and read her stories or sing songs. She was getting very comfortable on the potty.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Worn Out

Sometimes kids can wear you out. Tonight I feel so tired, I can only imagine what M is feeling like. M had an exciting morning at school and I had an exciting morning cooking some freezer meals for her. We then had a fun afternoon together which included a walk, finger painting, and some dancing. Luckily for M, she didn't have to do all the walking I did. She is the spoiled one in the stroller. I calculated it (mapmyrun.com) and I walked 6.67 MILES today! Can you believe it? The things I will do for M. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post where I will post some of the crafts we have been doing. For now, I'll leave you with a delicious recipe.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Joy of Baking

Baking is fun for all ages. M and I love an afternoon spending baking or cooking. It's really great to watch M grow and develop more skills when to baking. She used to watch and attempt to help pour ingredients into the bowl. Today she was so great that she even poured a couple of things in all by herself! It's a great activity to let your little one help with counting, identifying different ingredients, following directions, understanding the order things must be done in, and even up to reading.
Today we decided to take a break from our usually brownies and even from chocolate chip cookies and take a stab at shortbread cookies. This turned out to be a great idea. These cookies do not have a lot of sugar in them (no hyper little girl is a good thing for me) and we were able to use cookie cutters to make shapes. After 15 minutes, these cookies were baked and ready for a short cool down. We took a couple outside (a nice beautiful day!) and ate the crumbly cookies without worrying about a mess.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Every child needs to learn the word "share." This is a hard concept for most children. M is no exception. She doesn't mind sharing toys that aren't hers, but it's a different story when other children come to play with her toys. It could be because M is an only child and she never has to share her toys. Today a 10 month old baby come for a visit and M didn't want to share with her. It was a good thing the little baby didn't mind and didn't know the difference. M grabbed her toys from the little baby and said "NO." Ms. nicely explained to M that the baby just wanted to use them for a little bit and then was going to give them back. This seemed to calm M down a little bit. Both her and the baby got a toy to play with and everything was great. Hopefully M will continue to learn how to share.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Out of Control

I have experienced the dreaded Temper Tantrum. Yesterday M threw a full on tantrum complete with kicking, screaming, and crying. I thought I would be one of those lucky people who would never have to experience this horror. I have been babysitting for a long time for many different families and this was my first tantrum. Being in the situation reminds me that it's not that easy to follow the advice about tantrums.

1. Stay calm. It's very hard to stay calm when you have a screaming child right in front of you. The pressure builds up because they are usually trying to resist something you told them to do. I found it very helpful to let M scream a little and take some deep breaths. This calmed me down and made the situation managable. It wouldn't have been good for M to get more upset because I was upset.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Staying Organized

Taking care of a little one can be quite tricky. They have a lot of stuff and need a lot as well. Children need your attention all the time, and yet you are supposed to cook, clean, do laundry, etc... How are you supposed to fit it all into one day. This week I have been on a cooking spree for M. I have been making her meals, separating them into portions and freezing them. This is perfect because you just take a portion sized packet out the freezer in the morning and when dinner rolls around all you have to do is heat it up. Wednesday I made spaghetti sauce with grated zucchini and carrots. Yesterday I made a wonderful fish pie (kinda of like Sheppard's Pie, but with fish). On Monday I'm going to try my hand at Spicy Bean Burgers. How do you stay organized?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sugar and Spice

What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.

M's family recently got a little kitten. When I found out the family was getting this purebred British Blue shorthair I got a little nervous. M is still young and doesn't know that she has to be gentle with things. I was afraid that she was going to hurt this poor little soul.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Terrible Twos

M had her first ballet class today. It was so lovely. All this little girls were running and jumping around in cute, pink, leotards and adorable little ballet slippers. M was so cute with her dancing and the huge smile on her face. She was the youngest in the class by far, but she did so well. And then we went home and ate cotton candy and rode unicorns....

Ya right! As if that was real life. This is really what the rest of my day was like.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

Today was M's first day at her new school. She was very excited that both her mother and I were going to be taking her there. We walked right in, said "hi" to the teachers (all three of them) and watched as M walked away to join the other children. She was so excited about everything she had a hard time deciding what to do first. M's Mum (let's call her Ms.) and I started to leave. But Ms. kept on looking back and stopping to make sure M was okay. Ms. was so upset about having to leave M and hoping that she was going to be alright. I wonder if I'll react that way when I have children and I send them off to school. I wasn't scared about leaving M at all. I know that she gets along well with other children and loves to do new things. Maybe it's just a Mum thing and I'll have to wait to experience this. Everything was a good in the end though. We both got huge hugs when we went to pick her up. M loved her class and couldn't stop chatting about how much fun she had.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Why is it raining?
Why do I have to go to bed?
Why are you going home?

M is at the age where "why" is her favourite question. These questions are both frustrating and time consuming. We might be in the middle of eating breakfast, getting dressed, or running out the door. I know she means well, but I don't always have an answer. I try to give her the most honest answer without having to go into detail that is way above her head or her maturity level. This is hard when she asks why the homeless man is asking for money or why I have to go home at the end of the day.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Is this a job?

"I love you Kriken the whole wide world"

Some days I can't believe how lucky I am to be taking care of the cutest girl. I can't believe that I have the opportunity to mold and shape this little girl into the woman that she will become. I can't believe that it is my job to play with her all day. Today was one of those days that makes it all worth it.