Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

Today was M's first day at her new school. She was very excited that both her mother and I were going to be taking her there. We walked right in, said "hi" to the teachers (all three of them) and watched as M walked away to join the other children. She was so excited about everything she had a hard time deciding what to do first. M's Mum (let's call her Ms.) and I started to leave. But Ms. kept on looking back and stopping to make sure M was okay. Ms. was so upset about having to leave M and hoping that she was going to be alright. I wonder if I'll react that way when I have children and I send them off to school. I wasn't scared about leaving M at all. I know that she gets along well with other children and loves to do new things. Maybe it's just a Mum thing and I'll have to wait to experience this. Everything was a good in the end though. We both got huge hugs when we went to pick her up. M loved her class and couldn't stop chatting about how much fun she had.

The children did a craft at school today. They all got a toy car, truck, or fire engine and dipped the wheels in paint. Then they rolled their vehicle over a piece of construction paper. This neat little craft look cool because of all the different patterns rolled on. There is also the added bonus of it being messy, which kids love. I'll have to try that one with M sometime.

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